Annual Pipeline Programs (APPs)

FIRST is more than robots; and we are more than FIRST. 

The FIRST Robotics seasons last from late summer to mid-spring; after that, teams are left without competitions or, sometimes, without something technical at all. Superior STEAM is different; because we are a 4-H Club, and not just a robotics team or school class, we look for other STEAM competitions to compete in and/or plan trainings, lessons, and workshops for members, and non-members, to participate in

County Fair Projects

Club members can submit 4-H projects of their choice to be entered into the 4-H Fair. Projects range from animals, to computer science and programming, public speaking, model making, and many more. See the full list of projects that can be submitted from the list

Superior STEAM will also have a booth at the Lawrence County Fair. Visitors to the booth can learn more about the club and check out all of our APPs. Visitors will get to see science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) first-hand through different activities each night related to that night's theme. 

Sunday will be Science Night with OSMO. Monday will be Technology Night with LEGO Lessons. Tuesday will be Engineering Night. Wednesday will be Art Night. Thursday will be Math Night with an FTC Robot. Friday will be Core Value Day. And Saturday will be 4-H Day.

Sign up on the registration page and select 4-H Fair Projects.

FIRST Robotics Teams

FIRST Robotics is an international robotics competition that strives to teach technical and personal skills through the rigors of robotics competition.

“I want to compete for the hearts and minds of kids with the excitement of the Super Bowl.”  - Dean Kamen, Inventor & FIRST® Robotics Founder

Learn more about FIRST at Learn more about FIRST in Indiana here.

Learn more about FIRST in Superior STEAM here. Sign up for FIRST in Superior STEAM on the registration page and select FIRST Robotics

Time for teams will be shared with those team members after the season starts.

LEGO Lessons

Using LEGO Education's Spike software, students will follow tutorials to learn how to build and program different projects. For students 5-12yrs old. 

Potential projects can be seen on LEGO Education's Website.

This will be held at the Sandy and Danny Daugherty Center for STEAM Excellence.

Sign up on the registration page and select Lego Lessons.

4th Annual STEAM Week

The best way to know that you have learned something is to teach it to someone else. That is why our students will be creating and operating a week long camp for other students in our community. This will cover STEAM topics that the students have learned during their time in the club.

This will be held at the Sandy and Danny Daugherty Center for STEAM Excellence. This will happen every night from June 2nd to June 7th, 2025 for kids 4-18yrs old. 

Sign up on the registration page and select STEAM Week.

Think Like an Engineer

Think Like an Engineer is a 24 week program that uses club-made and purchased kits to teach students 4-12yrs old about engineering concepts such as gravity, forces, programming, problem solving, and more. The program is led by older student members as well as club and community mentors.

This will be held at the Sandy and Danny Daugherty Center for STEAM Excellence.

Think Like an Engineer starts Jan 27th and runs every Mon 6-8pm. Sign up on the registration page and select Think Like an Engineer.

Osmo Classes

"Osmo puts the fun in building learning fundamentals through the magic of hands-on play, tangible pieces and digital fun!" Learn reading, math, and more through the interactive app and tablet. The Osmo program is loved by all ages, but this class is specially for kids entering Pre-K through 6th grade. 

This program is thanks to the generous support of the Lawrence County Community Foundation. Our capstone team, CTF, wrote the grant and were awarded the largest grant in the community.

Assessments will take place on the first night. Parents will receive automatic progress updates from the app. Please make sure to use the right email when registering. 

This will be held at the Sandy and Danny Daugherty Center for STEAM Excellence. See the specific times below for each grade level. 

Sign up on the registration page and select Osmo Learning.


Our Mechatronics meetings (for students 12-18yrs old) take the foundations from LEGO Lessons and translates them to real-world applications in metal fabrication, electronics, programming, 3D printing, and communications. Youth wanting to participate do not have to have any prior experience or knowledge from LEGO Lessons or any related workshop(s)

Today, mechatronics degrees are available from several colleges and universities. 

This will be held at the Sandy and Danny Daugherty Center for STEAM Excellence

Check out the calendar for more information and to check the dates and times. 

Computer Aided Design (CAD) 

Part of Mechatronics.

After learning how to use 3D design software, students will use the software to create models on their own. Past models include a drone that the club 3D printed.

Potential models for students to create include: keychain, button maker, building floor plan, etc. 

The class will take place in late June or July for students 12-18yrs old. 

Sign up on the registration page and select Computer Aided Design (CAD)

Check out the calendar for more information and to check the dates and times.

Thank you to Solidworks for providing software seats for our club. 

Fill out the registration form to sign up for APPs you want to participate in.